Monday, 18 August 2008


Another day, another number spewed from my malfunctioning calculator's subconscious. Negative again today - I think maybe it just likes exercising that little minus symbol on its display, in the same way our dreams sometimes seem to be experiments in stretching our experience beyond the normal. I only ever use my calculator to work out how much to charge people for work, so the day I end up with a negative figure will be a sad one.

Continuing from my ramblings yesterday about negative numbers, I remembered a current theory that the big bang at the birth of the universe supposedly created an equal amount of matter and antimatter, and that both sides immediately cancelled each other out. The mystery remains then, as to why we were left with a load of matter afterwards.

Scientists are still trying to work that one out. Funny how that particular gap in our knowledge doesn't seem to get much media attention, I mean the fact that science has proved we shouldn't exist - I'd have thought that would be one to sort out in a hurry...

But that fact that we do exist means we don't have to worry about it for now, much in the same way that we don't have to worry about the oil running out, because its still there at the moment. I expect that the great credit-card company in the sky will return one day to charge us for all that matter we borrowed at the start of the universe, hopefully thats a debt we can pass on to our descendents.

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